Sunday, 10 April 2016

So Beautiful I have to share....

Not my normal blog....

Recently I needed time had been a hectic Christmas season (I work in the retail sector) and I was feeling like I was at a breaking point...I simply needed to get my Guardia fix...that being said, this trip was going to be different....I was going on my own...Derrick wasn't able to come along and there was work to do at the house...I booked...I Planned...I story will be told through the photos you will see here...I recently saw the CBS Sunday Morning News Show with a short story about Guardia....

View Over The Valley

Watching the CBS Segment made me dig back into my photos...even though it was just three weeks ago I was emotionally moved to look at the wonderful photos...

View of the Town perched on the hill....

To remember how amazing it felt to be there...from the moment I drove into town...unannounced...
To see the faces of wonderment, sheer shock on friends faces...and then to feel them wrap their arms around me and welcome kiss both feel feel the love...

A lane of beauty...

Everywhere you turn in Guardia you are surrounded by the architecture....the scenery....the people....all is beautiful and forever changing...

A sunny afternoon walk

I generally fill my blog with words,this time I will be more speaking with photos..they tell the tale...

On a sunny afternoon I explored...still finding parts of the town I have not ventured into before...

Casa de' Bonnie

If the walls could only talk..I love to sit outside...on m own..staring at the beauty of the Centro Historico...thinking about the homes...imagining the children running and playing in the streets...thinking what it was like...who crossed the thresholds of these homes...some of them older than Shakespeare...You close your hear the imagine what once was

My sweet neighbour

Often your walk is never alone,if not with a furry friend,with the spirits of people that once lived here

As the days progress and twilight brings a very different colour to the becomes time time to connect with friends and talk of the days adventures...

You meet for the VERY BEST Hot Chocolate you will EVER have....there is drinking...eating and giggling....

The BESTEST (YES I said Bestest) Hot Chocolate! Some even choose to add a shot of a local liqueur, Strega!

With a pizza costing less than 5 euros, on freshly made crust, with the freshest of ingredients, it is easy to find yourself eating them every day!

I took some time to explore local markets for shopping....and of course finished the day at Ikea...After Carlo showed me how to use the Soft Serve Ice Cream machine at Ikea!!

There is a wonderful market in the center of town every weekend!

Guardia on the change!

There is work happening on every corner as we see this beautiful Medieval town, as many of us vacation there...and some are ever so fortunate to make the move to live there! We can all watch as the Center Historical District becomes alive once more..  

I leave you with a is about choices...every turn..every thing we do hastens back to a choice...even if you feel forced in one way over the other..ultimately there is a choice being made...I am beyond passionate about Guardia and I LOVE to tell people about this gem...if you have ever wanted to be adventurous...ever thought of a piece of 
"Guardia Magica" ....this is the time to own your very own  
"Castle In The Clouds!"

And you and I can sit...have a glass of wine (Yes it can still be found for .25) or maybe a hot chocolate...and we can all share stories!

Glenn     XX